America celebrates her political freedom, born in 1776, with fireworks. It was a revolution heard round the world.

Far less fanfare announced the advent of economic freedom — in a revolutionary book that gave voice to free market ideals. Aptly titled The Wealth of Nations, it was penned an ocean away by Scotsman Adam Smith.

The year? 1776.

Coincidence? ....Or Freedom's date with Destiny?

You decide.


Political & economic freedom were co-born in 1776. Remarkable fortune. But are they identical, or fraternal, twins?

Each is a freedom ideal in its own right. Public and private domains are separate & distinct. Government is government and business is business — ideally, never the twain shall meet.

Clearly, our 'mixed economy' yields mixed results. Yet forays into market freedom don't fare much better. Why do free markets fail even when government is out of the way? Because we fail our free market ideals. We poorly apply them. We miss mechanisms required to make free markets work.

For ideal results, we must be true to free market ideals.

Economic freedom, like her 1776 political twin, is America's heritage & destiny. Today we fulfill our destiny. Now we have true market freedom that works.

Value Economics
Free Market of the future — and our revolutionary past — NOW

Value Economics

the Free Market of the future — NOW

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Value Economics

Join the next revolution in freedom

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Value Economics

TRUE Market Freedom that WORKS

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Value Economics

the Free Market of the future — NOW

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